
Ladies Fellowship

Ladies Fellowship seeks to promote involvement among the ladies of our church through ministries and activities designed to meet their needs. 
This may be accomplished through education/health-related classes on women's issues, fellowship, craft and home fix-it workshops, tea parties with testimonies and prayer.

Youth Fellowship

The youth fellowship team seeks to promote unity and fellowship among the young people through regularly-scheduled activities, out-of-town trips, annual youth camps, and conferences specifically geared toward the youth.
Another youth ministry for girls (ages 11-17) offers encouragement and planned activities, such as trips to amusement parks, shopping, lunch, craft-making, or assistance with special school projects.

Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship is designed to help men develop to their full potential spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally by involving them in useful and creative service through the church. This group seeks to promote unity and fellowship through regularly-scheduled meetings, softball, fishing, camping and other activities.

This group is organized as a fellowship group that strengthens the men of the church through fellowship and provides an avenue of outreach to men in the community.

Singles Fellowship

Organized activites are planned and coordinated for single adults for the purpose of fun, fellowship and spiritual edification. This is an opportunity for the single adults to find out particular interests of others. Activities are planned on a regularly scheduled basis.

Special activities are planned for the purpose of building relationships and influencing those who may be non-members of the local assembly. Special activities can apply to a group of singles, widows, widowers, divorced, single parents, never-married, college and career.